Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

This morning I checked in on a tiny baby kitten who had found an inconvenient time to be parted from his homelss mother during a rainstorm. After struggling for a day he was dead, and so I buried him behind my house.

Some hours later I drove to two nearby cemeteries where I seldom go without a car. At the Friends Southwest Burial Ground I ran into the caretaker, who recognized me after many years and reported that of the ten trees planted there with our mutual friend Barbara's ashes, only five have survived, but they are thriving. I made the happy report that another tree planted for her in the city survived storm damage and is growing tall and wide again.

Here at Mount Moriah Cemetery, large portions of which are never tended, I made a short visit. Like many graveyards it serves as a bird sanctuary, and again i learned that bird blipping is the calling of a person whose camera is better than mine.

This shot gives the mood I took away from the whole day. I met one little soul on his way out of life and I remembered friends who have preceded me in death. Let's hope these birds find the bugs and earthworms they seek and that we cherish this little hour we have and spend it well.

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