Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Chill day

After my busy weekend, I was looking forward to my "non-work" day.
Up early and walked over the country park with Lili, bit of a nip in the air and spitting with rain but nice to be out for just under the hour.
Back home, quick breakfast then over to mum.
Mum was looking good, she is loosing a bit of weight (slowly), which is not a bad thing, she is still eating quite well but choosing to eat in the lounge rather than up to the table.  I think she is just going through a phase (may be).
On to weight watchers - well the least said the better, I vow to get focused and back on track as the weight is creeping up !! (and I'm paying to help loose weight).
Back home and a relaxing afternoon. Made a banana bread, few domestic chores and dinner ready when hubby got in from work.
I volunteered myself onto the lace committee at the AGM, so tonight was my first committee meeting (been on the committee before) this time. 

Back to work tomorrow.......


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