
5years 200days

.... as the sun began to go down, I got to enjoy my girl for a few snuggles at the end of a long day apart. She had a great time at dance- they are starting work on classical ballets for the summer production and she was thrilled to be the only one who knew theirs was from the Nutcracker. A friend then dropped her off with our neighbour. Emma said Katie came back very tired from dance today and that unfortunately it timed wth some very loud and hyper time from her youngest. They resolved it all eventually and soon snuggled together to watch a film. They had a fantastic time playing B&Bs, all three girls. Though it sounds like this involved every box of cereal in the house and a lot of bowls and cutlery. They went to the park and burnt off some energy before chilling out together again. I arrived as she ate a late tea after a great day.

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