
By bananablip


we got these chilli peppers in the veg box a couple of weeks ago but have only just got round to eating them. i put a tiny bit on my tongue and my whole head nearly exploded. however, that didn't stop us putting a fair bit into the spicy beans tonight. my goodness. my whole mouth was burning and SS kept taking layers off.

today has been hard but good. thankfully the hard stuff was over by lunchtime in time for our trivolle lunch club which was loads of fun.

i've been really encouraged / challenged by lots of the post election talk, some of it which has come from directly from our young people. it's not fair to moan at political parties before you take a good look at your own life and the choices you make on a daily basis. one of the biggest choices we have is how and where we spend our money. i would have happily paid more tax if it meant helping those less off than me. however, just because a government doesn't take that tax, doesn't mean i can't still give it. it seems obvious but it's been a good reminder to me.

oh, and i joined the green party.

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