If you go down to the woods today....

Well you may get a surprise.

Installation Art doing what it does best.

Putting something where it shouldn't.

So in the middle of Leigh Woods, high above the river Avon, are five 'washed up' fishing boats.

Trying to muck around in Lightroom again, but didn't have the same quality to work from.

In better news I think the lens pen had done a good job on cleaning the lens and the polarising filter.

Thanks for all the stars and faves on yesterday Pier shot.

Feeling quite chuffed; and looking at getting into work tomorrow; so I can see what it looks like on a big monitor.

Hope you've all had a good weekend.

And thanks to Still Peddling for today's inspirations.

In fairness, mine is a different boat :)

I've also uploaded my first ever "extra photo". It's not great; but it's not only the first time I've photographed a Peregrine Falcon; but I think the first time I've seen one.

A pair kept getting really close to the Suspension Bridge as we heading into Clifton for lunch.

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