This is my sad face

Daddy was home last night. I did the three am wake up, daddy did 5am I'm wide awake call, cuddled womster till 6, Munchie woke so daddy took them both downstairs. At 7am we swapped over. Daddy did ballet as driving is pretty much impossible with my neck.

Headed to the Malvern show as I had won tickets for it.
Heaving. Munchie struggled a bit with the crowds and tiredness. After lunch we bought a trolley which helped keep her going, also quite useful when she was shattered and I could pull her along in it

Poor love got stung earlier, don't know what got her, but her thumb was definitely red and swollen. Cuddles, cold pack, chocolate all deployed.

Went to the pub for one after tea. Munchie was very happy to bounce on the bouncy castle, not so keen when the big boys were on it.

Late baths
late to bed.....

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