Pain in the neck

Ouch ouch

*warning, this blip contains self pity*

Yesterday, my neck hurt, was uncomfortable. Today it was sheer agony, moving was excruciating, tears were rolling down my face.

At the breakfast table Munchie told me that I needed to stop crying and go to the doctors, this made me cry more.

Auntie Sarah came round to look after Munchie whilst I went to the doctors (Wom was in bed asleep)

Driving, hard going, very hard.

Trapped nerve in my neck. Very nice drugs given hit and home with instructions or rest. Hmmm, how do you do that with a 3.5 and a 1 year old?
Somehow survived the day.
Managed to get both to have a snooze on the sofa which was good

Lots of cuddles have helped, lots of role play that has involved mummy being on the sofa.

Bed and everyone is in bed
Daddy is driving back form Sellafield, the weather is shocking so I am not expecting him back till later

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