I'm watching

The bougainvillea on the verandah has been looking decidedly seedy for a while now, since the previous crop of flowers faded.  Today, I was delighted to see tiny flower emerging - they look quite big here, but each one is only about half an inch across.

Hopefully in another few weeks, we'll have a blaze of pink.

Hard at work today to deliver a translation - an interesting but depressing subject, suicide attempts and ideation among the elderly. Strangely, and luckily, I'm so concerned with sentence construction and transmitting the author's thoughts and findings that I don't dwell too much on the subject. Odd - and under the circumstances, just as well.

P.S. I've just seen this video, thanks to a link in Fluffiken's blip. Many thanks, Fluffikens, I wouldn't have had a clue where to find it, or that it existed.

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