Hats and umbrellas

Have you noticed how many umbrellas this woman is carrying??? She seems on a mission of some sort. Maybe to always have a spare one in case the one being used breaks! :)

Anyway... My day didn't start very well. On the bus on my way to work, a rather scary looking crazy guy kept us "entertained". Doing a bad impersonation between Darth Vader and Hannibal Lecter (because of the noises he was doing) he told us not to worry that he was not gonna eat us, that he'd turned into a vegetarian (good to know). Then he proceeded to tell us that he was a very dangerous man indeed, that he knew us all and that he was gonna kill us (how sweet!). Couldn't wait to get off the bus!

Today I was feeling ok for work but I didn't have much voice. We were a bit short-staffed, so I had to tour. Luckily enough, one of the guides kindly offered to do my first tour, which was a relief, but I still had to do the second one, which was rather hard, considering it was quite a large group and I couldn't really raise my voice. I kept having bouts of coughing as well.

Work was busy because of the bad weather. Just my luck... 

Back home now, just relaxing and feeling generally better, which is good. I can't smell or taste anything yet though... grrrr!

Thanks very much for all your kind comments. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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