
Those clouds just keep on coming.

We were spoiled in April and am sure we are paying for it now. Spring really does need to get a wriggle on and warm up. Putting the heating on of an evening in May is just wrong.

Jake had his third exam today, computing. He returned home with a smile on his face which is a good thing. Only 3 more to go and it will be all over for this year. He is doing well at keeping his head down and studying (either that or he is just very canny and I never manage to catch him out!!)

A chum at work gave me a couple of goose eggs. This kind of forced my hand to do some baking after work. Those goose eggs don't half make your mix yellows! The resulting lemon drizzle cakes can't have been too bad. So far Mr Lif has had two slices....highly unusual!

Happy Wednesday blippers x

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