
had promised to take my mum to see the bluebells at Ashridge but with all the rain this am I didn't think we would make it. But as luck would have it the weather turned & it was fine if a bit breezy.

Having done the shopping this morning I picked her up in the town then went around to pick up C who had been "beading". Had a quick lunch & then off & out. We drove through the outskirts of Tring then Aldbury which is well known for its village green & its stocks & then on into the woods. Despite the heavy rain there was still a good show of bluebells and more deer than I have ever seen in my life in one place.

We stopped at the Bridgewater monument (picture 3) where we sauntered off to take a leisurely peek. Couldn't go far as Mum's hip is playing up & she is having it "done" early June. Anyhow she enjoyed the view (see picture 2) so then we headed for the NT cafe where we indulged in hot tea, coffee  & chocolate. 

Back in the car then we took a drive through the "private" areas around the house which is huge. Picture 3 shows a shot of it from the monument.

Wet morning but dry & windy afternoon.

More on Ashridge here:

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