Outside St Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna

Under Luca's tutelage of yesterday, we found the correct train and the correct seats for the train to Vienna, arriving on time in what might pass for a Scottish heat wave, feeling completely overdressed.
I have to say the train was clean and the seating arrangements made electronically clear with no ability to remove paper tickets from the back of seats in order to cheat the system.

Our hotel is small and near the centre, and we managed a walk to St Stephen's Cathedral later in the company of the masses. If Edinburgh ever gets this busy, shoot me!

The ice cream shop was too difficult to ignore, and afforded us a people watching session while downing enormous dishes of an array of flavours.

Back to the hotel to book a night with Mozart tomorrow in the State Opera concert Hall and wonder where we will eat tonight..........not one bit of news or thought about the election in Great Britain. What a relief is that!

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