Election prep

As Leo has shown a lot of interest in the election, I have made him a ballot box so that he can cast his own vote on Thursday. He asks me to pick categories so he can help decide between the party leaders so I have to ask all sorts such as who has the best hair, who would be the best dancer, who would win a race etc. and then he chooses one of leaders as winner of that category.

We had a fairly quiet day in order to catch our breath after a busy weekend. We got stuck into Leo's marine ToucanBox and made some jellyfish and some crabs, we popped to the BakeHouse for a cuppa and cake and then had a drive around the countryside before the rain set in. We went through Holcombe Rogus and were fascinated to find a very impressive Holcombe Court http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manor_of_Holcombe_Rogus

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