Branstree & Harter Fell across the Rigg

We awoke to slight rain - but all the forecasts said it was going to get a lot nicer - so we grabbed the rucksacks, hopped a super excited pooch into the back of the car & set off with a plan to mooch around Haweswater - not a difficult walk by any means - but at 16km long enough to see if I could walk off whatever this annoying knee injury seems to be.
Mrs IntotheHills also wanted to try and capture some moody skies to act as inspiration for the latest painting - and as ever when in this valley we were hopeful that we'd see the Golden Eagle. I was surprised how busy this once quiet valley is becoming - but our early start meant we saw no-one till nearly lunch when we started to encounter people just walking out from Burnbanks. Even on a what was quickly turning into a glorious Bank Holiday - you can avoid the crowds in the Lake District with a bit of planning.

So we were successful on two out of three;
Suitably moody skies as the mornings rain first cleared and then all the recent wetness helped form some (soon also dispersed) impressive cumulus.
Eagle seen - albeit too far away to make a decent Blip.
However - the knee continues to be very sore - so I've called in some favours and am at the physio first thing Wednesday - hopefully some magic fingers and the ultrasound machine (note to self: can you buy an ultrasound machine?) will set it on the road to recovery.

In other news - after a lot of time with the tech helpline my First Responder pager is finally connected - a bit of a mixed emotions situation - I'd like it to buzz - but then again no I don't as that means someone's in a bad way. Hmmm.

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