Womsie is 1

Our little boy is 1 today.
It feels like he has always been a part of our life, not a year old addition.
Day started with presents in bed, mumchie was great at helping Wom opening them, he loved his red ball from her.
Daddy went shooting, we stayed in our pj's until after lunch! got changed into party clothes and off we went.

We had hired the Garden Room at the Hop Pocket for afternoon tea. Super food, great friendly service and so many of our lovely friends and family there. Sadly Munchie's BFF was poorly so wasn't able to be there, but Munchie was more than happy, delighted in fact to have C and E there to play with.

Have the most enourmous pile of presents that need to be opened still, but we were all so tired we have left some for tomorrow.

Happy Birthday beautiful boy, you make our family complete x

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