Give me a prize...

Today was so grim when we awoke that a hasty change of plan was decided upon & the fells will wait till tomorrows much nicer forecast - more time for me to be embedded in website work & starting the Sport England project.
In a very brief interlude in the rain we decided we'd mooch pooch up the lane. As is our way we've usually got old carrier bags with us & we usually pick up varying amounts of litter. Orton's verges are mostly SSSI's - its a shame to see them so spoilt.
When we stopped at the bin to deposit said litter - Pushka decided to hop up on this large rock and stare at us. She'll often do random things like this - or go into little trick routines - then stare at us until we laugh, give in & give her a biscuit. She's got us well trained.

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