For the family

By RonaMac

Jubilee cupcake!

Met up with with daughter's friends for coffee this morning and I travelled in style as a passenger in this !! Top down, wind in my hair, 0-60 in 6 seconds!!! Awesome!!! I was like a kid at Christmas :0)

R chose a cup cake, ate the icing (no hiding the evidence) and gave B the rest!!

This little man performed to the gallery as usual and enjoyed the marshmallows that came with his Mum's drink.

We went up to the Lincolnshire Show Ground to the Antiques Fair to have a look around. Ended up buying a lectern for the donors book for the Nurses League Stained Glass window. It will need to be stripped and polished etc. I think it will be fit for purpose, but the committee will need to decide. (legs are for scale)

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