For the family

By RonaMac

Front row of the chorus!

Another busy day!

Travelled north to spend the weekend with daughter and assorted dogs.
Stopped off at Burghley House for coffee and scones on our way up and tried to blip some of the deer, but they weren't roaming free as usual and were fenced off!!

We arrived in time to do some jobs!!
B sorted out the new mower that had conked out and start cutting the "meadow" (knee high grass). I worked on the "posh" garden (as P calls it) and removed the weeds that have accumulated over the past 3 months. More about the posh garden in a day or two!!

We took the dogs for a walk and the cows in the neighbouring field came to say hello!! I didn't dare risk missing this opportunity to blip them in case this is a one off opportunity!!

Ps we have seen her super new car!!!!!!

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