A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A Carnival spirit....

..in Bishopston, about midway down Gloucester Road, despite the cool weather.

We took the bus this morning, due to lack of time as Grace had a matinee performance, down the road for a lovely brunch in a cafe that is new to us. Passing through Bishopston we spotted the bunting, streamers and stalls along the pavement.
So we walked back up there before getting the bus home.

Lots of food stalls and children's activities and crafts including felting and decorating cup cakes. A nice tribute to May Day and luckily, although the dullest morning of our stay, the predicted rain held off.
The pub at the top of Grace's road was having a beer festival too but it was time for us to leave.

We hit the rain in the south Midlands and it accompanied us all the way home; we had intended stopping off at the National Memorial Arboretum but the weather and our tiredness - a week of late nights! - made us decide to leave it for another time.
We have had a great week, spending time with family and friends, seeing new sights and above all watching a fantastic performance by Grace in Guys and Dolls. As Ian said 'she was the professional on the stage'. We agree but the whole show was good, especially the male leads.
We'll be back!

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