Indoor blip!

Today Ann has been working at 'St Ives Holidays' and her very lovely directors said that the staff could have a 'non uniform day' and wear red, white and blue in honour of the 'Jubilee'. I've been at my dog sitters and the plan was for me to either go to the office (which is decked out with bunting) at 5pm and be blipped with all the staff in their red, white and blue. Or to go out for a drink in the sunshine after Ann had finished work and be blipped drinking in the 'Sheaf of Wheat' beer garden.

Unfortunately this has not happened. Firstly, it has been very busy today so Ann didn't leave the office till almost 6pm, and secondly by the time she did leave the office it was pouring with rain so there's no outdoor wine drinking for her tonight. That's not to say she won't be drinking a lot of wine indoors.

However, she's a bit wound up tonight so feels a bit of a 'rant' coming on:

1) If we can let you into your holiday accommodation early we will. However, telling us that you have a new baby, sick child, aging parent, have travelled through the night, can't find anywhere to park, have frozen food to unpack, have ordered a Tesco delivery, want to watch football, rugby or any other sport on TV, etc, etc, ....................will not make any difference to how fast the cleaner cleans.

2) If we take a mobile number from you and say we will phone you when we've heard from the cleaner that the property is ready; we will phone you. Quite honestly we would like to get rid of all the keys and get you into your property ASAP. If we don't phone you, it means we haven't heard from the cleaner or the property will not be ready until 3pm. There is no point in phoning us every 10 mins just to see if you have missed a call from us - you haven't!

3) Arriving in our office at 9am and saying, 'I know I'm a little bit early but is the property ready?'; is pushing your luck. The previous weeks visitors don't have to leave until 10am.

4) We have no control over the parking in town. We will readily admit that parking in St Ives is a problem. We will do our very best to help you find somewhere to park but at the end of the day parking problems are the domain of 'Cornwall Council'.

5) Likewise - seagulls. Nasty, vicious, greedy, birds. We hate them as much as you do, but if they've eaten your pasty or ice cream or attacked you; I'm sorry but we're a 'holiday letting agents', not a seagull control centre?!!!!

6) If visitors have a genuine complaint we will do our very best to sort it out. However there is no point in shouting at us, yelling at us, giving us a mouthful of abuse and making us cry. That will not solve anything?!!

OK rant over!

Anyway for the next few days my Blips are going to be 'Jubilee' themed so here I am wearing my Union Jack bandana and sitting on the sofa which Ann has covered with Union Jack flags.

If there are any 'Blippers' in town let us know. We're having a 'street party' tomorrow and you're all invited!!!!! xxxx

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