Seeing things

Am I seeing things, or is there a face lurking in there (Barrioboy will suspect I've been on the magic mushrooms again)?

No blip (no photos) yesterday, but at least HH got the tax return in and I applied for some Olympics tickets. Taking procrastination to the limit (and with the Olympics in our own city - shame)!

An earlyish start today to beat the May Day traffic, but there was more coming in to Rio than leaving, so we were fine. We were welcomed by two very happy dogs, but they have to be separated at the moment and we can't even take Duke for a walk, as the vet raised the suspicion of canine distemper. We'll only get the result of the blood test on Monday. Meantime, he's on antibiotics and vitamin pills, has a huge appetite and seems bursting with health. The vet did say it was only a vague suspicion and the additional blood test was just a precaution but I didn't realize until we got here today and saw the test receipt  just what was suspected. Fingers tightly crossed

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