Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

On your marks..get set.....Party!

Once the front of the house was bedecked with bunting and a big Union Jack, the house work done, it was time to get out and enjoy the Festivities. Walking around and chatting to friends along the way.

It is with great joy that I have returned to living amongst Fen people, having spent much of my time as a child on my Uncles farm during the holidays.

It was a place of marvels and mystery. Wide open spaces filled with the rustling and swaying of crops. Distant sounds of sheep, foxes, Birds and the neighing of horses filled my ears, while Blackberrys and wild strawberries stained my lips. Scuffed knees and hair full of straw, stings from Nettles and the green smudges of Dock leaves over the offending area made a patchwork of my legs.

Laying on the ground in the warm sun watching Beetles and the mice that would scurry after them. Looking up at the seemingly endless sky, trying to see the invisible Skylarks, making shapes of the clouds and wishing for life to be this perfect forever.
The journey from the farm house to the barns, walked or on rickety bikes that left your bones like jelly, best of all on the tractor safely tucked between my Uncles legs. The heady smell of diesel on all your clothes and the rich smell of the land on your sun browned hands made rich memories that stay in my mind to this day.

To day would be a little dull, but my heart is full. The ruddy faces of the people around me, the smell and sounds of old farm vehicles, the easy laughter of children and their caring parents, the kindness and simpleness of the local people all casting its easy spell (not to mention the MOST EXCELLENT CIDER), bewitched I am.

I have much to do before tomorrows fun....the weather does not look good...but thats what GoreTex is for!

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