Aquilegia or Granny's Bonnet

Much needed rain led to this opportunity for today's blip and the chance to get up close and personal with a raindrop.

The rain coincided with the visit from the friends we've just made contact with after decades of not being in touch. It was an enjoyable day nonetheless but busy beforehand. What with cutting the grass (note, not mowing the lawn - our patch is not a lawn), trimming the edges and sweeping up while Susan gave the house a once over.

A trip to Tesco's followed to buy things I'd missed off the regular list, then it was time to bake some scones and prepare the tea - rounds of egg and cress, cheese and pickle and ham and tomato sandwiches, flan, pork pie, salad and a range of pickles and crisps, rounded off with the freshly baked scones and that banana cake made yesterday.

An enjoyable time, catching up, finding how easy it was to still get on with someone you've not seen for so long.

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