Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Wed., April 29, 2015 -- Celebrating Started Today

Mr. Fun & I try to celebrate each and every day, but today the official month of celebrating has begun. We've collected 49 years and 11 months together. Today we have both agreed to another month! I think we can do this. 

Today we headed for Laguna Beach as soon as we both could get free from our tasks and duties here at home. We enjoyed a light lunch at "The Stand" which is a great little health food place. Then we visited the library to look through the items in the "Friends of the Library" store. Then a little more shopping in a couple of other shops, and finally to the shoreline to walk our three pups who had been waiting patiently in the car. After a long walk on the sand and through Heisler Park, we put the K9s back in the car and began short drive to our favorite Italian restaurant, Salerno, for an early dinner. There we both enjoyed a delicious dinner and the entrance to this month-long celebration. 

Ten years ago our friend Scott wrote and sang a song for us and titled it  "Tonto & Rosie" and used it to honor us for our 40th celebration. We especially like this verse:

It's been 40 years
filled with laughter and tears
And if you ask them,
They'll smile and they'll say
"Some of it's magic
And some of it's tragic
But it's been a good ride all the way."

So we're referring to this next thirty days as the "49 - 11 Tour" and then arrive at our 50th anniversary on May 29 and pinch ourselves to make sure that it's not all a dream. When we got married at 15 and 19 everyone was sure our chances were a million to one. 

Here's to celebrating,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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