Snow Down Under

By snowy


For the second time - yes it's true. I tried to drop off at the end of the year, but a certain Wombat said I blooming well couldn't.

I have loved my Blipp journey, & met some truly amazing & special folk, but the truth is I am a gardener & not a photographer. I asked myself, which do you love the most, blip or the garden.......& the garden won hands down.

Many of you have followed my journal from day one. I appreciate your loyalty. You are welcome to come & have coffee & shortbread with me anytime. I know who you are !

It is Autumn in N. Z. so I feel it is the appropriate time to drop off the Blip Tree. I have paid a life membership, so I will always be lurking among the branches. But it is time to say........

So long, it's been good to know you, but I've got to keep gardening along.

Thank you Joe for the privilege.......

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