
Sometime around Christmas, I became aware of a place in Lancaster called GoBurrito, which sounded amazing; they sold burritos and beer! Now that's what I call a winning formula. 

My plan had been to take the Minx there on Valentine's Day (although rest assured that I had a WhatsApp consultation in the group I share with my four older daughters to make sure this was actually the fantastic plan that I thought it was and not hopelessly misguided) but in the end we didn't go and it has remained frustratingly on my to do list.

Today, though, Dan and I were off to see 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' and we had time for a burrito beforehand. Hooray! I must admit that I was slightly anxious when we got there, mainly because I wasn't sure what the process for ordering would be but I didn't want to let Dan down by being one of those embarrassing dads who asks for everything to be explained. As it turned out, though, it was just like going to Subway, so I managed to maintain my cool, such as it is.

The burrito was excellent: neatly wrapped and crammed full of fresh, delicious food, and washed down with a nice cold beer. Dan enjoyed his, too, and we were both so satisfied that when we arrived at the cinema, we walked straight passed the sweets and drinks counters.

The film, incidentally, was also very good. Tightly written and well-paced, it was another example at how well Marvel are doing with their films and TV series compared with DC (although I did enjoy 'Smallville'). Dan and I are also watching 'Daredevil' on Netflix at the moment and that has great scripts, far better that 'Arrow', for example.

We both left the cinema excited by the film we'd just seen and also the trailers for all the other films we're planning to see this summer. 

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