
By ottolizzie

Bowl for Kids' Sake

As a member of Big Brothers/Big Sisters I get to be a part of something called Bowl for Kid’s Sake.  Four of my friends and I put together a team and we are going to be bowling.  We were asked to get donations, and a minimum of $175 needed to be raised in order to participate.  If $300 was raised then each team member gets a sweatshirt.  My team is Summer, Dinaea, Jacob, Jordyn and me.  Jacob and Jordyn weren’t able to bowl, but they still raised money.  After school Summer, Dinaea, and I went to the bowling alley for 6:00.  The program paid for us to play two games, and each team member got a t-shirt.  We were asked to put them on right away so that people would know that we belonged with Big Brothers/Big Sisters.  They also had sandwiches for us to eat in between games.  There were ham and turkey sandwiches and toppings and drinks.  We finished the first game, and then we ate our meal.  After we ate we played the second game.  During the second game we learned that everyone had the chance to win a cheesecake.  In order to will the cheesecake you had to get a strike when the screen showed that the red pin was in the front.  It was timed, so you only had one minute to bowl if you wanted the cheesecake.  We didn’t get one, but the team at the lane beside us did.  The games went really fast and we were surprised at how soon we were finished.  After the game was over we got some ice cream.  We had a really fun time and I was happy that we participated.  

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