From Camden Lock

After a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast, we went to Camden Locks for a walk along the Regent's Canal. We'd been looking forward to wandering round Camden Market but ... it's been flattened! The market area is being redeveloped, and only a bronze lion was there to remind us of how it used to look. 

This walk was from Section 3 of the Jubilee Greenway but we didn't quite complete the section as we wanted to leave plenty of time to visit the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology at University College London. It was just as well that we did, as this small museum contains about 80,000 objects!

Afterwards, we went to Chinatown for a Chinese meal (as you do!) We opted for an 'all you can eat' buffet, which was remarkably good value. Elder Son ate four platefuls, Younger Son and I had three platefuls apiece but Hubby could only manage two. Afterwards, we stopped off at the Häagen-Dazs Shop in Leicester Square for a takeaway dessert. Their tiramisu ice cream is an absolute triumph!

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