Life's tangled skein

By atp

2012-06-01 (Day 123) Starting from scratch

So... here I am again.

I gave up my Project365 for a while, because I was wanting to get the chance to get to bed a bit earlier of an evening. The reason? I was in the final stages of training for the Edinburgh Marathon.

Well, I managed to complete the marathon! My time was a slightly disappointing 4:17:36, but in the blistering heat we experienced that day, I think I did okay for my first ever marathon.

If you want to read more, there's a blow-by-blow account at

Anyway, today I went for my first run since the marathon - just a short run along the canal. I started here, where the A801 crosses the Union Canal, and was actually okay... a little heavy, a little stiff, but okay.

And now it's back to the 365.

And the next marathon I've signed up for... 30-Sept, Loch Ness Marathon!

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