A little bit of sunshine goes a long way

we survived the night, it was long and there were tears, but we got through it.
Daddy went shooting and we stayed at home and played and I managed to get some school work done too.

Daddy got back and we headed to the park to feed the ducks, they weren't that keen on bread but they dd go quack! played at the park and Munchie and Wom had a fabulous time going down the slide together (One of use was at the top, one at the bottom to catch) Great fun. Icecreams consumed.


Played in the sun and daddy took lots of beautiful photos, don't usually like photos of me, but like this one.

Went to the pub for a pint and a bounce on the bouncy castle. Munch loved it, had total meltdown when she got home as I think she was shattered.
Baths done and bedtime completed.

Hoping this week coming will be better than the last few

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