This is my reasonably happy face

Today has been a day of tiredness and tears.
Tiredness mostly from Daddy and I, tears from Munchie and Wom.
Munchie dissolved this morning when I said we couldn't go to ballet, total hysterics when I saud we weren't able to go to Lily's party.
Slightly appeased with a trip to the garden centre and a wave at the donkeys.
Home for lunch.
Womsie was mega sad. Ate well, but sad.
Headed to Brockhampton NT, but both were fast asleep when we arrived. Ended up driving to Leominster to then head home. Stopped at the hop pocket, but both children had complete meltdowns so back into the car and home.
Wom then steadily cried from 4-6.
We think it's his teeth bothering him.
Munchie cried from about 5-6 because nothing was fair and she was tired.

Fingers crossed for a good night and happiness restored in the morning

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