Town Garage Sale

I was responsible for taking care of the grandchildren today while my husband and kids set up and took care of people browsing through all the stuff.  We had both sides of the driveway lined with tables that were filled with everything from handbags to baby clothes.  We also had part of the lawn lined with car seats, baby swing, high chairs and stroller. 

Since the town advertises the garage sale in the local paper as well as having banners and signs up, there was a steady flow of people driving by.  They kids ended up wanting to go outside and 'help' and my grandson actually sold a few of his old toys because he wanted to make some money.  The ice cream truck came down the street later in the afternoon and he was so proud to use the money he made to get himself an ice cream. 
Everyone in town pays a small fee to be apart of the garage sale and with that you get balloons to put outside so people know you are participating and also a bunch of maps to give out to people that marks all the homes in town that are participating. 
After starting at 8 a.m., the crowds started to slow down by 4 p.m.  Everyone did very well and were happy to make some extra  money for things they no longer needed.  Whatever didn't sell will go to Goodwill. 

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