a lifetime burning

By Sheol


Phew, its the end of what seems a very long week at work :-)

Today was another one of those days where it seemed that never stopped.  the day goes quickly and the challenge can be rewarding but it was without blip opportunities (unless I am going to start photographing my desk, which I haven't ruled out yet, if I get desperate enough).  I arrived home and hadn't got a clue what I was going to blip, when I realised that the ducks were back.

I've mentioned before that we have a pair of mallards that visit our tiny garden pond regularly.  As we are both out for much of the day I think that they rather like having our garden to themselves.  They are definitely not used to us being in the garden, and will generally fly off if we  show any signs of wanting to share the garden with them.  

We've decided not to encourage them by feeding them, the little pond itself seems to offer plenty in that respect and its certainly healthier for them than the bread they get thrown by those that like to "feed" the ducks.  I understand that garden peas are the thing, and I've been tempted by a little pea in the pond, but Cathy thinks we shouldn't.  ;-)

All of which means that they are far from tame and made my actually getting a photo of them this evening rather more difficult than you might otherwise expect.  But here for you, is Mrs Mallard, Mr Mallard is hiding in the pond itself, behind the marsh marigolds.

Saturday tomorrow, hurrah!  

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