The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Tulips at the Cemetery Gate

Thursdays are lovely. This one was, too. We had den-building in the morning, and a Mass in the afternoon, which I wasn't looking forward to attending with a crowd of 3-and 4-year olds, but in the event one of my litttlies fell fast asleep on the mat with his head buried in my lap, and I had to sit stock-still holding him, covering his ears in case a sudden enthusiastic burst of singing should wake him! Such, such are the joys...

Came home and sat in the cabin eating ice cream, until it was time to go and watch a quiz programme. Fell asleep in the final few minutes, and never found out who won! Did not go climbing because I have a bad elbow/wrist, and LA has poorly kids. Made a lentil and green bean salad from Hugh F-W's Light and Easy book, with added feta. Went off to do my coursework, which made me want to swear and shout. It is so wide-ranging, and there is no coursebook to go with it. The eventual qualification will not lead to better pay :(

Now I'm going to read for five minutes. I hope you like the tulips, the sun was full on them and the rosemary shrub as I made my way home through the cemetery. Spring is certainly continuing to pull out all the stops, and never has it seemed so welcome!

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