Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Happy Pip

Pip is enjoying experiencing doing lambing rounds. She is learning to walk calmly through the sheep in to my heel even when lambs dash about! A quiet day in the lambing field with just one new lamb on my last round this evening. I cant have any more than 10 left to lamb now, probably less.

My dad came down to visit today, mainly for a haircut. A barbour friend of the family taught me how to cut my dads hair when I was a teenager and I have been doing it ever since.

My friend has arrived tonight she is leaving her 6 dogs here while she heads off to Edinburgh for a birthday celebration weekend with her friends from England. So for the next few days we will have 15dogs. The 4 spaniels stay in the kennels so only her lurcher and collie extra in the house.

We had a strange sea harr mist come in last night and it was still here this morning we couldn't even see the loch from the house! It finally cleared by lunchtime.
11c 7.4mph westerly misty, damp morning with sun and blue skies in the afternoon.

PS Heard the Cuckoo for the first time.

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