Heart and Souled

By DebsP

"A gift"

It's a bit hard choosing a photographic present, but I'm hoping this one will be just the job for a blipper who's a bit partial to a monkey puzzle tree and reaches 365 today! Folkiebooknerd, this one's for you :-)
I have no idea how these cosmic circles happen here, of who we meet and how we share, but I'm so grateful that I'm in a Venn diagram with Folkiebooknerd, who popped by on Day 4 of my journal and hasn't been away since.
With encouraging words from day one four, and such sharp wit it's been just the best. Folkie's Sunday bike rides have delivered some of my favourite work on the site, not to mention the street shots, the people shots ...........
O.K. enough - I can feel the blushing from Merseyside. Time for a celebratory peppermint tea :-)
To everyone who stops by, regularly or not, an impression is made, a circle is drawn and we cross over. I love that. Thank you. X

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