Heart and Souled

By DebsP


I've had a few too many cycles of dealing with stuff, junk, clutter, treasures over the last few years. We've moved twice and in so doing even ventured in to the murky twilight world of storage units - where you leave your possessions and then occasionally visit them.
When we first tackled our loft I swore Dante had a circle of hell especially for me with each "tip/charity shop/keep" decision I had to make. So a lot of stuff flew to the four winds.
When MrP appeared one day with a little shoe box I hadn't seen for donkey's years and I found the four delicate little gold-circled port glasses wrapped safely inside, my heart sang as I thought they'd long gone. They date from the 1940s I reckon. Me and the dog spotted similar ones but for cocktails in the charity shop this morning and darted in. They're not going in a box, I need to plan a party! Cheers everyone!

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