
By wildinlailand

Moment to Shine

Got up at stupid o'clock so that I could cycle to watch the Olympic Torch relay pass through the village of Croston. No point in taking the car as the roads were closed from 7am. Luckily one of my work colleagues lives on the main street so we had a grand stand view from his upstairs windows. The whole thing was a cavalcade of police vehicles both from Lancashire police and the Met, then the main event. The relay changeover happened just up the road from our location and the young lass got carried away I think and took off at a fair lick down the road. People had turned out in numbers and the whole village was in party mood with the pubs open early for Olympic breakfasts and the beer, wine and champagne was flowing. It all seemed a very British way to do it. I've got two more opportunities to see the torch later this month as it is coming back to Lancashire on 22 and 23 June.

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