Pointy rooftop

It was a magnificent weekend in Barcelona but the journey back was tiresome. It was the first time that I have flown from and back to Liverpool airport since it was named after John Lennon.  Although I loved his music, the airport seemed just as it would have done if he personally had run it - somewhat scruffy and chaotic.  

For example, as we stood for far too long in a queue at the pompously named "UK Border" (i.e. passport control) the airport announced that they "would like to apologise" for the delay, which was caused by the "large volume of flights arriving" - as if they, an airport remember, were surprised by the fact that lots of planes carrying actual passengers had turned-up out of the blue.

Anyway, I have now caught up on processing my photos and far too many some are now on Flickr. A few of my favourites are:

a massive staircase
some Barca fans
the crowd going wild with excitement
a courageously attired tourist
a Seasick Steve wannabe
Neighbourhood Watch
one of the queues we didn't join

Today's return to normality shows the roof of the hospital in Halifax.

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