Today's Thoughts

By AApple

Misplaced Productivity

I planned to study for the entire day, but it is currently 6:30 pm and I still have not cracked open my textbook... Instead, I spent the day completing a 500-piece puzzle (and doing some chores)! Whoops, shouldn't be proud of that...

The puzzle was harder to do than I thought, but I finally finished it. I love doing puzzles, but I haven't done one in a while, so the process tried my patience.

Although my favourite character from the movie "Tangled" was Maximus, the horse, I found the scene in which the king, queen, and villagers lit the lanterns* very moving. I cried when Rapunzel was reunited with her parents :')

*The lanterns are referred to as "sky lanterns" (天燈) in Mandarin Chinese. In Taiwan, there is an annual festival in Pingxi (平溪), during which lanterns with people's wishes/prayers written on them are released into the sky. The lanterns are generally thought to have been invented some time between early to mid 200 AD (over 1800 years ago!!!), by the revered Chinese chancellor and strategist, Zhuge Liang, as a way of sending a message to his comrades when he was surrounded by enemy troops. However, similar devices may have already been used by the Chinese even earlier, in 3rd century BC (more than 2100 years ago!!!).

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