In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Listen to what the man said

This is the entrance to Ardoe House hotel in Aberdeenshire, not to be confused with Ardoe House in Aberdeenshire which is a private reisdence, and is about 16 miles furher away from the hotel.
I was told by a man in my taxi the other day, a man from Finland on his first trip here, and who was staying at the hotel, that the hotel was built in 1841 by Alexander Ogston as his family home.
I never knew that, and I like my local history, but that is what the man said, so it must be true.
He was reading from a piece of paper that the hotel had given him though, but he was pleased to relate to me this information.
I have no idea who built the other Ardoe House mind you. Maybe some other first time visitor will tell me one day.

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