my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Storybird. Yep that's me...

Befuddled, confused, busy day. A whirlwind doesn't come close. Book Award launch event, gig stuff and a lot of other tricky business to deal with. Personal and professional. It's a lot to take on.

Hopefully a break with S's on the cards. I have never needed anything so much in my life. Sun, Sea and evening walks and tealights and music on the beach? HELLO. I'm there.

Blip is a tenuous link to my day...told about a nice resource today called Storybird. Showed it to Eve tonight and she spent a good hour making her own tale up on this great website. The only bird I could find was on my paperback bird mobile...I love my mobile, just for the shadows on the wall.

Tonight's blip has been hard. I'm exhausted, physically and mentally.

BUT you know me...fuck it! Here to face another day :-)



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