A New Day

By ANewDay

Cromarty, Black Isle


Although we were convinced it was the wrong time of day to spot dolphins from Chanonry Point on the Black Isle, we had to go and check it out anyway!  Sadly, the tide was going out, although nobody we spoke to had seen any earlier when it was in, so it's very much a game of chance:-)  It was bitterly cold, although sunny, so a walk on the beach was kept very short!

Instead, we drove up to Cromarty and walked round the village there.  This "standing stone" was intriguing and it commemorates the emigrants from the Highland Clearances, who left in many ships heading mainly for Canada round about 1831.  The words on it are by Hugh Miller, Cromarty's famous son and it was erected in 2002 to mark the bicentenary of his birth.  Hope you can read them, as they are really poignant.

We did well for food on the Black Isle, with a delicious coffee and cake at the Fortrose Café and a superb fish supper from the chip shop at Avoch:-)  Cooking on the Rayburn in the cottage is quite a challenge, especially if you want food fast, so I'm always pleased when we can eat out:-)

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