Y or T?

It depends which way you are going I suspect.

A football match for Son No2 (Jonathan) again this morning. It was against the top of the league who hadn't lost a single match all season and had a goal difference in excess of 30. It was always going to be tough one, but, the boys were level at 1:1 until just 5 or so minutes left to go. Unfortunately their concentration and strength deserted them and they slipped to 3:1. The oppositions manager told them they had done well and he would have taken the draw. As losses go, this showed how much they had improved over the season. Well done boys!

The afternoon was spent trying to get music files out of iTunes to load into the disk in the car. It seems that 64GByte USBs are just tooooo big to use for some things. Had to resort to using a DVD instead. Got there in the end - 2500 tracks uploaded. Should be enough for a  couple of journeys.

Having done that I had to swap cars tonight for a run up and down the M1 for son No1 (Jamie). Called in briefly on Mum & Dad who have both been suffering  from some virus for the last few weeks. Thankfully both have improved since last weekend but still a way to go before I'll be happy. 

The image was an i-Phone grab shot while I was walking some distance around the ground to cross the bridge over the river to try and retrieve one of the balls that was hoofed well into the greenery and into the water. Unfortunately, it was stuck mid river on some reads and where the banks were 6 feet high and too steep to climb down. At least I got an image. 

So - if you've got this far - is it a T or is it a Y?

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