Newcastle life

By Puffling


I am not sure if this is breaking the blip rules... this photo wasn't taken today but digitaly remastered today so it is new today technically.
This is me with my lovely grandpa when I was little, playing in the lane on his traction engine which he had made from scratch. Sadly he passed away in December. He had previously put some old photograps such as this onto disc. My nanna can't look at the discs because she hasn't got a proper computer, just an ipad. I dusted off some of the old discs to take a look, some of the photos are scanned in quite badly so downloaded them to the computer and doing some cropping and editing to make them look their best. Now I can share the album with my nanna so she has the photographs to look at on her ipad.
Today, apart from photo editing, I spent the whole day typing up my university work and my research project. Unfortunatly a day at the computer, best to get these things done sooner rather than at the last minute though.

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