
...starters orders.

Took a few hours out from the campaign yesterday to cheer the Rooster and the school teams on at the Scottish School's XC Championships in Kirkcaldy.

I say took a few hours out but I travelled with iPhone, iPad and two battery packs to be sure I could respond to any requests from the teams out in the constituencies. That said it was pretty quiet in the inbox so only had to switch the call centre team about a couple of times. I'm well practiced at doing that when out and about.

It was a gorgeous day and good to get a few hours with the Barmy Army in the sunshine. Easter holidays and May elections don't make for much of an Easter holiday for them. I'll make it up to them over the summer.

The wee fella was well impressed with the starting pistol. Made quite a noise.

The Rooster came in 68th in his race out of a field of 140. The P6 boys team made 11th place with the girls team getting 2nd...Well Done St.Ninians PS.

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