S.H. Crane

Tuesdays and Thursdays are usually short "work" days for me. Meet the doctor at the hospital at 8 a.m., see a few patients (4 today), then drop him off at his office at 10. I am now reading my 10th book (Seabiscuit) while waiting in the hallways.

I took the long way home. No swans today in the cemetery, but there were 2 sandhill cranes. Always nice to see. Such a pretty bird, and I love it when they cackle.

I also stopped at 3 garage sales on the way home. One sale had miniature horses (8 of them). The sale also brought out pet peeve # 214. NOTHING PRICED! I hate that. "How much for the giant goose (decoy)?" "A dollar." "How much for Woody (from Toy Story)?" "25 cents." The lady got a buck and a quarter outta me. I thought I needed to buy something so I could ask my next question. "Do you mind if I take a few pictures of the horses?" "No...go ahead."

I left and went down the long driveway, got out of my car, and snapped away. "Hey buddy, (why does everyone think my name is Buddy?) why are you taking pictures of my horses?" "The lady at the sale told me I could." "Well...they're not hers...they're mine!" I had to assure her that I wasn't going to make any money off of them. Sheeesh! The cute little hoses are on my flickr page...along with a dove and a vulture.

2 CD's rounded out my morning purchases. Jim Brickman, and the soundtrack from Evita. If you're feeling bad for me about getting yelled at by the mini-horse woman...let me say this..."DON'T CRY FOR ME....BLIP-ER-FINA'S...I be alright.

Sheperd's Pie for dinner. A cook's work is never done.

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