
By TBay

The finished article!

So here is Mr Tbays finished plough! It does look very good and just dresses this rather unattractive corner rather well. Since taking this shot Mr Tbay has also made a wooden plant box to go across the  front of the plough which I will plant up later on in the season with bedding plants.

Mr Tbay and I ventured out to buy more compost first thing. I had planned a busy day in the greenhouse. Howver my attention was diverted from this area to the much more unpleasant task of clearing up after one of the dogs (they wouldnt say which one) had left several very smelly deposits all along my  hall way and into the drawing room. ARGGGHHHH!!!!! This called for emergency action, so out came the trusty Bissell carpet cleaning machine. As always things went down hill from there and after struggling to get it to the do the job (which it did eventually)  I then spent the rest of the morning taking various bit off it to try to establish why it was being less than helpful! After a lot of soggy fluff and water all over the kitchen floor I decided perhaps it was more a job for a professional repair man. 

Farming -  Rusty topping for a customer today.

Mr Tbay moved the plough and built a plant box. We both had a very nice snooze this afternoon too!!

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