Growing old disgracefully



My old Dad used to say, 'It was so hot the heat was splitting the trees and the ducks were flying backwards to keep the sun out of their eyes.'  It was so hot today we were glad of the shade in the Norway Spruce plantation.  The plantation is gradually being cut down and replaced by native species, but meanwhile it offers shade; piles of logs and debris to encourage wildlife; enough den building materials to satisfy a six year old's heart and lots of gorgeous cones for his Granny. 

With two sticks and a bit of encouragement from the six year old, I made it up Windy Hill.  My falls in October and  in February have robbed me of a lot of fitness, so it was great to feel I had some of it back today.  

Tomorrow, we say goodbye to our six year old for good.  When we pick him up next Saturday, he will already be several hours into his seventh birthday. It is so hard to believe that it is nearly seven years since we first met him in hospital and he was so small I could almost hold him in one hand.  He loves it when I tell him that story. 

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