Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

In the village

This is Stan, a delightful member of our village community. He is often out and about, strolling around and stopping to chat.  When I told him I wanted to take his photo he was initially not sure, but then laughed an agreed. When I showed him he said "look at my hair"!

Otherwise, it's been a publicity day. After being in the Hexham Courant twice yesterday, there is a great article in the Newcastle Journal today and I've been interviewed on Radio Newcastle too.  (NB If you are going on Radio don't be thrown when the first question has nothing to do with the subject - and be sure to get your chosen message in immediately. I did not have the opportunity to talk about the walks we have available.  Never mind, the festival and our volunteers got a good plug.)

Thinking about buying a graphics tablet for photo editing. Any advice anyone?

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